Foil Yellow Armband Level 1
A progamme for beginners on Wednesdays (ages 14-17; 18+) and Thursdays (Ages 18+). Learn the basics of Foil Fencing both on and off the piste.
Advance enrollment required; intake in September and January every year.
Foil Yellow Armband Level 2
A progamme for those who have completed Yellow Armband Level 1. Continue skill development and introduction to refereeing.
Advance enrollment required;
Offered September and January every year.
Yellow Armband
step forward, step backward, lunge, combinations
Technical Elements:
grip, on guard position, defence in 4 & 6, engage in 4 & 6, simple offence, immediate riposte
valid target area, dimensions of piste, method of scoring a hit
corner judging, refereeing with the coach, identifying the actions executed
Testing for the Yellow Armband in Foil Fencing is done at Phoenix’s Winnipeg facility at the end of every semester. Taking the test is up to each individual; if you thinking of testing please consult your programme lead coach.